What Can Google Teach Us About Relationships?

Google auto-complete has proved to be very revealing feature about our society.
When you type something in, it brings up the most searched and goggled phrases that, in the algorithms eyes, best complete what you're about to say.
Sometimes it's downright spot on, lending credence to that whole 'if you have a question, 5 other people do too' saying my teachers always used to say when nobody would ever raise their hand.
But sometimes, it's a bit wierd...

How do people feel about their boyfriends?
What about their girlfriends?

So there's a decent amount of syncing up there. Looks like pretty much everyone is suspicious of their partners, terrified of being pregnant, and seriously doubting their mates character, considering the amount of 'is my girlfriend/boyfriend cheating on me' variants that appear.
Of course, I'm sure that all changes when you get married...

How do people feel about their husbands...
...and wives?

Surprise, surprise...the exact same trends emerge.